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Primary School in London receives threatening Islamophobic letter

On the 7th December, the Anti-Islamophobia Working Group published a condemnation of the rise of Islamophobic hate crimes and threats (below), on social media.

This was following shocking news that a primary school in London had received a threatening Islamophobic letter, which threatened a 'surprise' when it opened at 9am that day.

The threat was made against the Apex Primary School in Ilford, east London, with a copy of the disgusting correspindence shared on social media.

The letter included how the sender relishes in the deaths of innocent Palestinians in Gaza, and also included how the author intends to kill everyone at the achool, including the children. The threatening letter also included tropes such as conflating Islam and terrorism. It was signed: 'Yours faithfully. Your terrorist friend'.

This came within hours of another credible threat which shut down the East London Mosque, the largest Mosque in London. 

The deeply concerning and rising surge in Islamophobia warrants immediate action. The AIWG has called on both the Prime Minister and Home Secretary to act with urgency. 

The full news story can be found at the Mirror.


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