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Marking the UN day of tolerance with the Arab League and the Islamic Cultural Centre

As the founder and director of the Anti-Islamophobia Working Group, it was an honour for Anisa Mahmood to organise an event with the Arab League and the Islamic Cultural Centre to mark the UN day for tolerance. 

Islamophobic hate crime has increased by 600% since October 7. It's crucial for us to stand together against hate and discrimination, practise compassion, and foster a culture of acceptance. 

Mahmood spoke about the sobering reality of Islamophobia which permeates through all aspects of society and life, especially against the backdrop of rising hate crimes, and a climate of division and intolerance.

However, tolerance is much more than just passively accepting the other. It requires action and the ability for everyone to reach their full potential through education, inclusion and opportunities. It’s about building respect for human rights and celebrating diversity. Mahmood called on everyone to join her in standing united against hate and intolerance. 

We concluded the evening with an interfaith peace prayer, a beautiful message of unity and harmony. 

This UN International Day for Tolerance let us recognise the mounting threat posed by those who strive to divide, and pledge to forge a path defined by dialogue, social cohesion and mutual understanding.


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